Sunday, July 6, 2008

the fall and fall of indian television

i had gone home recently to kerala and so got to catch up with all that passes off as entertainment on television these days. I was shocked to see a programme called splitsville on MTV. While I know MTV does not really have a reputation for showing sensible programmes, this one really takes the cake. what we have here is a group of girls fighting it out in various ways and the winner gets a boyfriend(she gets to choose one of two men sponsored by MTV). The girls are judged for certain qualities (supposedly) by the boys. it's sickening to see the way the girls drooled and bitched to get the attention of the boys. don't these women have any self respect? i'd have understood if the boys were worth it at least. they aren't by a long shot: one is not good looking (i am being diplomatic here) and the other one is DUMB. and you should see the way they strut around. their behaviour towards the girls is condescending to say the least! how can such shows be allowed on television? cant these girls find partners on their own instead of fighting it out on television? and most of them need to get some dressing sense. i think such sexist, chauvinist programmes which depict women as these helpless creatures who need a man at any cost need to be banned. would welcome any comments on this.